2011年11月28日 星期一


Lesson 12

1. to keep out/off/away from(to stay out/off/away from)    遠離
There was a large sign just outside the door which read : ”Danger! Keep out!”
2. to find fault with(to criticize)     挑剔
It is very easy to find fault with the work of others.
3.  It is up to someone to原形動詞(It depends on someone to…) 有賴於某人It’s up to you whether we go or not.  It’s not up to me.  
4. off and on( irregularly; occasionally)      斷斷續續地
We don’t go there often----just off and on.
5. to catch fire(to begin to burn)      著火
Do not stand too close to that stove.  Your clothes may catch fire.
6. to look into: (to investigate; to examine carefully)      調查
Mr. Reese has promised to look into the matter and give us an answer next week.
7. to take hold of:(to grasp)        抓住
The blink man took hold of my arm and I led him across the street.
8. to be out of the question:(to be impossible)     不可能
Germany’s demands were out of the question, and England answered by declaring war.
9. to get through:(to finish)     結束
   I didn’t get through studying last night until almost eleven o’clock.
10. all at once:(suddenly; all of a sudden)     突然
We were walking along Sixth Avenue when all at once we heard a shot.
11. to keep track of: (to keep or maintain a record of)     追蹤
We are going to keep track of all our expenses while we are in Mexico.
12. to call sb. down: (to reprimand sb.; to scold sb.)      責罵
The principal called Wendy down for taking part in the demonstration.

